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The Pioneers that settled in Chilean Patagonia at the beginning of the last century, face the threats of the construction of a hydroelectric dam in the most affluent river of the world: Baker River. Doña Marina Verdugo, a pioneer lady living on the exuberant bank of this river since 1920, shares her extreme life experiences with a mask actress, moments before her death. The actress' urge to immortalize the wisdom of the old lady and other women that she encountered in this jurassic part of the world, inspire her to create a mask play and perform for the local people that have never seen theatre before.


Direction, production, dramaturgy, acting, mask confection Isabel Burr Raty 

Acting Direction 

Gonzalo Losada & María Ignacia Bouchon 


Antonio Quercia, Daniela Morales & Isabel Burr Raty 


Camila Montero & Luis Portcarrero 

Integral Design 

Sergio Torretta 


Fernando Meneses 

Costume Design 

Marjory Araya

Graphic Design 

Francisca Armas  


José Joaquín Ovalle & Enrique Llano 

Creative Advisors 

Pía Beckmann & Fernando Meneses


Supported by 

Council of Arts & Culture XI Region Chile

Wallonie Bruxelles in Chile, Spanish Cultural Center, UCC Channel Bicentenario, ACCA of CONAMA, Eduardo Cifuentes’s Photography, Municipalities of: Chile Chico, Cochrane, Caleta Tortel, Villa O’Higgins, Puerto Ibáñez and Puerto Tranquilo, SERNAM XI Aysén Region, Balmaceda Arte Joven, Pan Semilla, Vinos Bouchon



Theatrical document – The Concept


Las Tres Marías is a combination of Comedia Humana, which is the modern version of Commedia dell’Arte, with documentary film. Both the masks and the film, perform as a unity by telling stories that back then had not been documented in a theatrical form. This theatrical document was designed to travel and be performed in unofficial performing spaces.


Play Tour


In 2006 this mask play toured all along the villages of the most southern part of the Austral Highway, from Coyaique to Villa O'higgins. Because at that time there were no theaters around, Las Tres Maráas performed in public spaces and schools, communal & sports centers, bringing theater to people that had never seen theater before.





October: Season at Museo Benjamín Vicuña Mackena, Santiago



June: Season at Biblioteca de Santiago

September: Season at Biblioteca de Santiago



January: Season at Festival de Teatro Festival Off, Galpón 7, Santiago

January:  Season at Centro Cultural “El Sofá”, Santiago

January: La Legua, Santiago

September: Centro Cultural “Ainil”, Santiago



March: Austral Highway Chilean Patagonia tour, villages: Chile Chico, Puerto Bertrand, Cochrane, Caleta Tortel, Villa O’higgins & Puerto Tranquilo

June: Centro Cultural de España, Santiago

July: Season in Teatro Balmaceda 1215, Quinta Normal, Santiago

September: Season at Teatro Lastarria 90, Santiago

November: Season at Teatro Galpón 7, Santiago





theatrical document

mask play



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